Thursday, 6 November 2008

Citrix ICA Client for Ubuntu 8.10

Installing the Citrix ICA Client in Ubuntu Intrepid Ibix (8.10) is less than plug and play. That's not to say it's overly hard to install, it's just that you have to download a few extras and can't just select a package from the repository.

Before we start this guide is intended for use with Ubuntu 8.10 and Firefox browser. It may well work with other versions such a kubuntu or xubuntu, other versions and other browsers but primarily it is a guide on how I installed the client software for Ubuntu 8.10.

Right, without further ado about nothing, here's how to install Citrix ICA Client.

First off you need to download the Citrix installer linuxx86.7.17.tgz from

Now make a temporary directory in your home directory, mkdir citrix, and change directory into it, cd citrix.

Untar the downloaded file, tar -zxvf linuxx86.7.17.tgz

Then run the installer as root, sudo ./setupwfc and accept all the defaults to install in /usr/lib/ICAClient

Now download the two 'Thawte' certificates from the website listed above. Copy or move the certificates into the ICAClient keystore, cp *.cert /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts

Next you will need the old version of the libXaw library files, version 6 (the ICA Client software will not work with version 7 of libXaw that is installed in Ubuntu 8.10).

Download the deb package from and install, sudo dpkg install libXaw6...deb

When you attempt to login in to your Citrix client website from within the Firefox browser, it should now be possible to run the ICA client software by selecting to open the file with /usr/lib/ICAClient/ (tick the box to remember your choice and always launch with the ICAClient).

And that's it. You should now have a working ICA Client that will run through Firefox.

I guess this is a fairly specific guide using a specific enviroment and assumes some knowledge of the command line. You may be able to modify the steps to work with your particular set up.

Good luck...

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